Monday 8th June at 2pm
Join Will for another awesome crafting session with Water Babies Creates. For Monday’s session we’re going to be showing you how to do leaf rubbing with your little one to create stunning pieces of artwork.
Join our Zoom meeting here: https://zoom.us/j/97706212891

Tuesday 9th June at 2pm
Water Babies Head of Aquatics, Hannah Smith talks Summer Safety with Lee Heard from the Royal Life Saving Society. Right now it’s Drowning Prevention Week which makes it more important than ever to talk about ways that we can all make changes to prevent any accidents from happening on our watch. This stream is not to be missed.
You can visit the RLSS website here and follow them on Instagram here.
Follow us on Instagram here to be reminded when we go live.

Wednesday 10th June at 2pm
Water Babies Talks Well-Being with Midwife Amanda Milne from Tommy’s. Pregnancy can be tough on your mental health, especially when you’re in the middle of pandemic and it’s harder than ever to get one-to-one time with a professional. That’s why we’ve set up this conversation to help guide existing parents and expecting parents through some of the challenges that you might face.
Tommy's are the UK's leading baby charity and exists to support every baby. They fund pioneering medical research into the causes and prevention of miscarriage, premature birth, and stillbirth. You can follow them on Instagram here and Facebook here.
Join our Zoom meeting here: https://zoom.us/j/96635754697

Thursday 11th June at 2pm
Water Babies Learns Dry Side with experienced Water Babies teacher Tory Hardy. Stuck for activities to do in the home while under lockdown? No need to worry, we’ve got you covered! Tory is here to show you how you can carry on supporting your little one’s development with a range of Water Babies skills that you can practice while home and dry.
Join our Zoom meeting here: https://zoom.us/j/95984752630

Friday 12th June at 2pm
Water Babies Creates Story Time with Water Babies Will. After the roaring success of our last story-time session, we’re back with another thrilling interactive story-time session.
Our ‘Chompalomp’ stew from our previous session this LIVE will take our little one’s through a second ‘Chompalomp’ stew but with a twist. Linking with the EYFS framework about ‘recognising stories’ and ‘helping to create a story’ we can use the link to talk about what we do ‘last time’ - this also introduces past, present and future.
To get involved, simply fill up a sack, box or bag with the items below:
☑ Plastic Bottle
☑ Rice, Seeds, Lentils
☑ Kitchen Foil
☑ Paper of any kind
☑ Brightly coloured bits and bobs
☑ Shiny things for crafting
☑ Sticky tape
☑ Pens
Join our Zoom meeting here: https://zoom.us/j/94063918070

Saturday 13th June at 2pm
Experienced Water Babies Teacher and mum of three Tory Hardy is here to show us some amazing Water Babies skills that are tailored specifically for the shower. We’ve worked super hard with our Head of Aquatics to develop ways that you can support your little one’s water confidence while we’re still out of the pool. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Water Babies customer or not, all of our streams are free-to-all, all the time. So get involved this Saturday!
Tap here to follow us on Facebook to be reminded when we go live.

Sunday 14th June at 2pm
Ever wanted to communicate with your little one using sign language? Now’s your chance! A sign language expert from The National Deaf Children's Society joins our Head of Aquatics Hannah Smith for a really simple starter lesson in sign language. Babies understand sign language long before they’re able to communicate verbally which makes this incredible skill an absolute must for your parenting toolkit.
Be sure to follow the NDCS on their Facebook and Instagram pages.
For more on the National Deaf Children’s Society, visit their website here.
Join our Zoom meeting here: https://zoom.us/j/91282192378
Missed last weeks awesome lineup of streams? No worries, we've got you covered.
Monday 1st June
Water Babies Will shows us how to explore your little one’s boundless creativity with this super-fun and interactive story-time session. Click here to catch up with a replay of this stream just in case you missed it.
You can follow Will on Instagram here.
Tuesday 2nd June
Sisters Eve (Founder & Mum of 4) & Gem (Pediatric Nurse & Mum of 3) of Calm & Bright Sleep Support have enabled thousands of families to enjoy more peaceful sleep and happier days. Eve and Gem are the experts in the field of family sleep support and spoke with us to share some key insights that anyone can do to get practical results. They did a Q’n’A for you at the end too, so be sure to watch the replay of this stream. Click here to catch up with a replay of this stream just in case you missed it.
Visit Calm & Bright Sleep Support's website here and make sure you give them a follow on Instagram and Facebook too!
Wednesday 3rd June
Water Babies Learn: Sing-a-long with Water Babies teacher Tory Hardy who hosted a super-relaxed and fun sing-a-long session that saw 200 parents, carers, babies and toddlers join in with us. We’ve been inundated for requests for our melodies and lyrics that might have slipped your mind over the last few weeks so here’s a quick refresher for you to have fun with. Click here to catch up with a replay of this stream just in case you missed it.
You can download our lyrics sheets here, but don’t worry too much as we’ll be showing them on screen during the recording.
Thursday 4th June
Kate Ball of Mini First Aid joined us on Zoom to talk us through and demonstrate proper first aid and basic life saving techniques for all sorts of mishaps, right the way from bumps and scrapes to real-life emergencies like infant choking. These things are not easy to get right, and there’s a lot of easy to correct mistakes to give your little one the best possible care should they need it. This session like all of our others is free-to-all, always. Click here to catch up with a replay of this stream just in case you missed it.
You can visit Mini First Aid's website here and follow them on Instagram here.
Friday 5th June
Water Babies Tory, veteran Water Babies teacher and all-round superhero will teach you how to develop your little one’s water confidence in the bath at home. While we’re out of the pool for a little while this makes the perfect opportunity to transform bath time from a chore into an opportunity to learn new skills, develop their physical abilities and build on the bond between you and your little one. Click here to catch up with a replay of this stream just in case you missed it.
You can follow us on Facebook here to be reminded when we go live!
Saturday 6th June
Water Babies Talks: Pregnancy During a Pandemic can be a challenging time for all. With midwife visits and communication with healthcare professionals at an all time low, it can be hard to get your questions answered by an expert. But not to worry, Water Babies has got you covered. Watch a replay of our live stream with Kate Marsh, an accredited Tommy's midwife manager who talked us through and answered questions on pregnancy in uncertain times to put your mind at rest. Click here to catch up with a replay of Kate's stream just in case you missed it.
Tommy's are the UK's leading baby charity and exists to support every baby. They fund pioneering medical research into the causes and prevention of miscarriage, premature birth, and stillbirth. They really know their stuff, so come and join us on the 6th.
Sunday 7th June
Water Babies Tory, veteran Water Babies teacher and all-round superhero will show you how to develop your little one’s water confidence in the shower at home. The shower can be tricky with little ones but we're here to show you exactly how you can make showering with your little one fun and rewarding for both of you. Guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, all of our lessons whether they're in the pool, bath or shower each reinforce key learning milestones to aid in your little one's emotional, cognitive and physical development. Click here to catch up with a replay of this stream just in case you missed it.
Follow us on our Facebook and Instagram pages to never miss another stream. 😉